Tuesday 9 December 2014



So its Tuesday already (oh my, talk about how quickly time left us). It reminds me of one interesting novel which I'm sure most of us have read, "Tuesday with Morrie".

Young, is the time when we started to suffer very real miseries. With no wisdom of age, it is indeed very dificult to deal with. Well, most of us undergo very different experiences, different challenges and different type of miseries. This make us feel like we are all alone in dealing with our own problem and harder to move on.

The key to experience your growth is to become present. Become present and deal with it without hoping or wishing anything else.

If we feel like we're getting older, stop wishing to be younger. 

If we feel like we're busy, stop wishing that you have chosen a different path of life. 

Because this indicates the dissatisfaction we have with the life we have now. How do we live fully in each different phases of life when we are still hoping for the impossible changes? Its like, how do we enjoy the ride when all we see is just the vivid view of the old town that we had left? We just can't move on while still looking back.

Living through every age until our own, and become the part on each of them. The things we had left in the past are the very constituents of our self now. This is what we do if we choose to fight, explore and embrace the new frontiers that we are facing every single moments of life.

So this is it. I'm keeping it simple for now. I dont want to stop writing here anytime soon because of the feeling of burden to reach or exceed some specific indicator. (what I am trying to say is that I am too lazy to further expand my arguments on this post. I promise that I will stop this bad habits, eventually.)


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